Friday, December 25, 2020

Making a movie- Filming Fiasco

 So unfortunately the people that we were supposed to film didn’t show. They ended up bailing last minute. I was happy since they initially agreed. But at the very last second they said they couldn’t do it. Which is stupid of them. But, then again as filmmakers we should be prepared for everything. So, in place of filming our actors my partner is going to film the mother’s part. I am going to share how I came to figure this out. First she sent me her blog instead of explaining to me what had happened. I am assuming she didn’t this so that she wouldn’t have to re-explain the situation. I was literally so upset. This had been planned four days before the mishap. Initially i thought that there was no plan after this. So then I asked what we were going to do about this. She had finally revealed to me that she was going to film her mom's part in place of the filming that was initially supposed to take place. I was wondering why she didn’t explain that in the blog. But she than said she would reveal the plan in a later blog. Why you may ask, for dramatics of course. I thought that was really funny. I’ll put some screenshots here.

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